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UK Risk Register Details for Pyricularia grisea

This record was last updated on 09/07/2024

Common Names

  • Blast of rice
  • Johnson spot
  • Johnson spot: banana
  • Oval leaf spot
  • Oval leaf spot of Gramineae
  • Pitting disease
  • Pitting disease: banana
  • Rice blast disease
  • Rice rotten neck
  • Rice seedling blight
  • Rotten neck of rice
  • Seedling blight of rice

Scenario and Pathways

Scenario for Risk Register

  • show / hide
  • Pest is introduced

Pathway Assessed for Entry to UK

  • show / hide
  • Seeds

Common Pathways

  • show / hide
  • Plants for planting (except seeds bulbs and tubers)
  • Seeds

Risk Ratings and Current Mitigations

Unmitigated Risks

Likelihood [1 - 5] 2
Spread [1 - 5] 3
Impact [1 - 5] 3
Value at Risk [1 - 5] 5
Likelihood x Impact [1 - 25] 6
UK Relative Risk Rating [1 - 125] 30

Current Mitigations

  • show / hide

Key mitigation for pest



Industry Scheme

Contingency Plan



Mitigated Risks

Likelihood [1 - 5] 2
Spread [1 - 5] 3
Impact [1 - 5] 3
Value at Risk [1 - 5] 5
Likelihood x Impact [1 - 25] 6
UK Relative Risk Rating [1 - 125] 30

Proposed Actions

Proposed Actions



Management By Industry

Targeted Survey


Contingency Plan



Distribution and Pest Details


Country / Territory Status Notes
United Kingdom Absent
Bulgaria Present
France Present
Greece Present
Hungary Present
Italy Present
Montenegro Present
Portugal Present
Romania Present
Russia Present
Serbia Present
Spain Present
Türkiye Present
Ukraine Present
North America
Mexico Present
United States Present
South America
Argentina Present
Bolivia Present
Brazil Present
Colombia Present
French Guiana Present
Paraguay Present
Peru Present
Suriname Present
Uruguay Present
Venezuela Present
Australia Present
Fiji Present
Micronesia Present
New Caledonia Present
Angola Present
Burkina Faso Present
Cameroon Present
Cabo Verde Present
Chad Present
Congo (Democratic Rep.) Present
Cote d'Ivoire Present
Egypt Present
Ethiopia Present
Gabon Present
Gambia Present
Ghana Present
Guinea Present
Kenya Present
Liberia Present
Madagascar Present
Malawi Present
Mali Present
Mauritius Present
Morocco Present
Niger Present
Nigeria Present
Senegal Present
Sierra Leone Present
South Africa Present
Sudan Present
Tanzania Present
Uganda Present
Zambia Present
Zimbabwe Present
Afghanistan Present
Bangladesh Present
Brunei Present
Cambodia Present
China Present
Hong Kong Present
India Present
Indonesia Present
Iran Present
Iraq Present
Japan Present
Kazakhstan Present
Laos Present
Malaysia Present
Myanmar Present
Nepal Present
North Korea Present
Pakistan Present
Philippines Present
Russia Present
South Korea Present
Sri Lanka Present
Taiwan Present
Thailand Present
Vietnam Present
Central America
Belize Present
Bermuda Present
Costa Rica Present
Cuba Present
Dominican Republic Present
El Salvador Present
Guadeloupe Present
Guatemala Present
Haiti Present
Honduras Present
Jamaica Present
Martinique Present
Nicaragua Present
Panama Present
Puerto Rico Present
Trinidad and Tobago Present

Type of Pest

  • Fungus

Host or Industry at Risk

  • show / hide


Major Hosts

  • Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.
  • Poaceae (family)
  • Hordeum vulgare L. em. Lam.
  • Leersia hexandra (Doell.) Swartz
  • Lolium multiflorum Lam.
  • Lolium perenne L.
  • Oryza glaberrima Steud.
  • Oryza longistaminata A.J.B. Chevalier & RÖHr.
  • Oryza sativa L.
  • Triticum aestivum L.

Threats to Protected Cultivation

Forest Tree Pests and Pathogens

Further Information

PRA Availability

UK (2003)

Regulation and EPPO listing

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Not currently listed

Actions Indicated

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No statutory action

General Comments

Fungal disease mainly of rice with wider host range. Lack of impacts to date on other crops in areas of Europe where the disease is found and climate is more suitable mean the UK is not considered to be at high risk from this disease.

Risk Records for this Pest