The main regulation which applies: The Plant Health (Phytosanitary Conditions) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020
Regulated quarantine pest; regulated non-quarantine pest; regulated pest free area pest: defined in the above legislation.
Regulated by emergency measures: individual pieces of legislation to regulate certain pests.
General plant health powers apply: plant pests not specifically listed in legislation, but which have been assessed as harmful. Statutory action would be taken against findings, using general powers available in plant health legislation.
EPPO listings are advisory categories only, and do not have a legal basis:
A1 list is for pests which are not present in any part of the EPPO region.
A2 list is for pests which occur in at least one part of the EPPO region.
Alert list is an early warning system for emerging pests.
We recommend that you consult the original source to confirm the legal status of any given pest.