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UK Risk Register Details for Cherry green ring mottle virus

This record was last updated on 14/09/2022

Common Names

  • cherry vein yellow spot
  • epinasty of oriental flowering cherry
  • green ring mottle
  • rough bark of oriental flowering cherry
  • sour cherry constricting chlorosis
  • sour cherry epinasty
  • sour cherry green ring yellows

Scenario and Pathways

Scenario for Risk Register

  • show / hide
  • Pest is introduced

Pathway Assessed for Entry to UK

  • show / hide
  • Plants for planting (except seeds bulbs and tubers)

Common Pathways

  • show / hide
  • Plants for planting (except seeds bulbs and tubers)

Risk Ratings and Current Mitigations

Unmitigated Risks

Likelihood [1 - 5] 4
Spread [1 - 5] 1
Impact [1 - 5] 2
Value at Risk [1 - 5] 2
Likelihood x Impact [1 - 25] 8
UK Relative Risk Rating [1 - 125] 16

Current Mitigations

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Key mitigation for pest

RNQP measures.



Industry Scheme

Contingency Plan



Mitigated Risks

Likelihood [1 - 5] 4
Spread [1 - 5] 1
Impact [1 - 5] 1
Value at Risk [1 - 5] 2
Likelihood x Impact [1 - 25] 4
UK Relative Risk Rating [1 - 125] 8

Proposed Actions

Proposed Actions



Management By Industry

Targeted Survey


Contingency Plan



Distribution and Pest Details


Country / Territory Status Notes
Belgium Present
Bulgaria Present
Czech Republic Present
France Present
Germany Present
Hungary Present
Italy Present
Montenegro Present
Poland Present
Russia Present
Serbia Present
Slovenia Present
Switzerland Present
Türkiye Present
United Kingdom Absent
North America
Canada Present
United States Present
South America
Chile Present
Australia Present
New Zealand Present
South Africa Present
China Present
Japan Present
Lebanon Present
Pakistan Present
South Korea Present

Type of Pest

  • Virus or Viroid

Host or Industry at Risk

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Prunus; Cherry production

Major Hosts

  • Prunus americana Marsh.
  • Prunus armeniaca L.
  • Prunus avium ssp./var. avium L.
  • Prunus cerasus L.
  • Prunus domestica ssp. domestica L.
  • Prunus mahaleb L.
  • Prunus persica Batsch
  • Prunus persica var. nucipersica Batsch
  • Prunus serrulata Lindl.

Threats to Protected Cultivation

  • N/A

Forest Tree Pests and Pathogens

  • N/A

Further Information

PRA Availability

PRA not available

Regulation and EPPO listing

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Regulated non quarantine pest

Actions Indicated

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Great Britain: Statutory action in line with current regulation, but proposed for deregulation. Northern Ireland: Statutory action in line with legislation.

General Comments

Virus affecting sour cherries, with other stone fruit not showing symptoms if infected. Present in mainland Europe and beyond, but not known to be in the UK. Evidence of impacts is limited.

Further Information


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Key uncertainty for pest

Whilst there are not large amounts of data on the virus, this may be due to a low level of impact. Key uncertainties include the level of impacts seen and the level of commercial production of sour cherry in the UK.


Current distribution






UK distribution

Risk Records for this Pest