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UK Risk Register Details for Chrysobothris femorata

This record was last updated on 21/06/2024

Common Names

  • flat-headed apple tree borer

Scenario and Pathways

Scenario for Risk Register

  • show / hide
  • Pest is introduced

Pathway Assessed for Entry to UK

  • show / hide
  • Firewood

Common Pathways

  • show / hide
  • Plants for planting (except seeds bulbs and tubers)
  • Non-squared wood
  • Squared wood
  • Bark
  • Wood packaging material
  • Hitchhiking
  • Firewood

Risk Ratings and Current Mitigations

Unmitigated Risks

Likelihood [1 - 5] 4
Spread [1 - 5] 3
Impact [1 - 5] 3
Value at Risk [1 - 5] 5
Likelihood x Impact [1 - 25] 12
UK Relative Risk Rating [1 - 125] 60

Current Mitigations

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Key mitigation for pest

GB Regulated quarantine pest with specific measures. Controls on wood of several host genera.



Industry Scheme

Contingency Plan



Mitigated Risks

Likelihood [1 - 5] 2
Spread [1 - 5] 3
Impact [1 - 5] 3
Value at Risk [1 - 5] 5
Likelihood x Impact [1 - 25] 6
UK Relative Risk Rating [1 - 125] 30

Proposed Actions

Proposed Actions



Management By Industry

Targeted Survey


Contingency Plan



Distribution and Pest Details


Country / Territory Status Notes
United Kingdom Absent
North America
Canada Present
United States Present

Type of Pest

  • Insect (Coleoptera)

Host or Industry at Risk

  • show / hide

Broadleaved trees

Major Hosts

  • Acer rubrum L.
  • Acer saccharinum L.
  • Amelanchier arborea (Michx.F.) Fern.
  • Carpinus betulus L.
  • Carpinus caroliniana Walt.
  • Carpinus japonica Blume
  • Carya illinoinensis K.Koch
  • Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh.
  • Celtis occidentalis L.
  • Cercis canadensis L.
  • Cornus L.
  • Cornus kousa (Buerg.) Hance
  • Cotoneaster Ehrh.
  • Crataegus L.
  • Crataegus viridis Linnaeus
  • Cydonia oblonga Mill.
  • Diospyros kaki L.
  • Juglans cinerea L.
  • Liquidambar styraciflua L.
  • Malus Mill.
  • Malus domestica Borkhausen
  • Ostrya virginiana (Mill.) K.Koch
  • Platanus occidentalis L.
  • Populus tremuloides Michx.
  • Prunus armeniaca L.
  • Prunus domestica ssp. domestica L.
  • Prunus persica Batsch
  • Quercus agrifolia Nee
  • Quercus kelloggii Newb.
  • Quercus laurifolia Michx.
  • Quercus lobata Nee
  • Quercus wislizenii A.Dc.
  • Salix lasiolepis Benth.
  • Salix nigra Marsh.
  • Sorbus americana Marsh.
  • Tilia americana L.
  • Ulmus americana L.
  • Ulmus parvifolia Jacq.
  • Ulmus rubra Muehlenb.
  • Acer negundo
  • Fraxinus pennsylvanica

Threats to Protected Cultivation

  • N/A

Forest Tree Pests and Pathogens

  • Broadleaved

Further Information

PRA Availability

EPPO (2020)

Regulation and EPPO listing

  • show / hide

Regulated quarantine pest (Great Britain)

Actions Indicated

  • show / hide


Statutory action against findings in Great Britain.

General Comments

Polyphagous beetle pest present in North America, where there have been significant economic impacts on ornamental trees and in apple orchards.

Further Information


  • show / hide

Key uncertainty for pest

Whether the pest causes problematic damage in cooler climates, particularly climates similar to that of the UK.


Current distribution






UK distribution

Risk Records for this Pest