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UK Risk Register Details for Tomato spotted wilt virus

This record was last updated on 14/09/2020

Common Names

  • bronze leaf of tomato
  • bronze leaf wilt
  • Kromnek virus
  • spotted wilt of tomato
  • tomato bronze leaf
  • Tomato spotted wilt
  • yellow spot of pineapple

Scenario and Pathways

Scenario for Risk Register

  • show / hide
  • Pest spreads to maximum extent

Pathway Assessed for Entry to UK

  • show / hide
  • Plants for planting (except seeds bulbs and tubers)

Common Pathways

  • show / hide
  • Plants for planting (except seeds bulbs and tubers)
  • Bulbs or tubers

Risk Ratings and Current Mitigations

Unmitigated Risks

Likelihood [1 - 5] 3
Spread [1 - 5] 2
Impact [1 - 5] 3
Value at Risk [1 - 5] 4
Likelihood x Impact [1 - 25] 9
UK Relative Risk Rating [1 - 125] 36

Current Mitigations

  • show / hide

Key mitigation for pest

Regulated non quarantine pest



Industry Scheme

Contingency Plan



Mitigated Risks

Likelihood [1 - 5] 2
Spread [1 - 5] 2
Impact [1 - 5] 3
Value at Risk [1 - 5] 4
Likelihood x Impact [1 - 25] 6
UK Relative Risk Rating [1 - 125] 24

Proposed Actions

Proposed Actions



Management By Industry

Targeted Survey


Contingency Plan



Distribution and Pest Details


Country / Territory Status Notes
Bulgaria Present
Croatia Present
Cyprus Present
Czech Republic Present
France Present
Germany Present
Greece Present
Guernsey Present
Hungary Present
Ireland Present
Italy Present
Lithuania Present
Malta Present
Netherlands Present
Portugal Present
Romania Present
Slovenia Present
Spain Present
Sweden Present
Austria Present under eradication
Albania Present
Bosnia-Herzegovina Present
Moldova Present
Montenegro Present
Norway Present
Russia Present
Serbia Present
Switzerland Present
Türkiye Present
Ukraine Present
United Kingdom Present (Widespread)
Belgium Present
North America Present
Canada Present
Mexico Present
United States Present
South America
Bolivia Present
Brazil Present
Chile Present
Colombia Present
Ecuador Present
Guyana Present
Paraguay Present
Suriname Present
Uruguay Present
Venezuela Present
Oceania Present
Australia Present
New Zealand Present
Papua New Guinea Present
Africa Present
Algeria Present
Burkina Faso Present
Congo (Democratic Rep.) Present
Cote d'Ivoire Present
Egypt Present
Libya Present
Kenya Present
Madagascar Present
Mauritius Present
Niger Present
Nigeria Present
Reunion Present
Senegal Present
South Africa Present
Sudan Present
Tanzania Present
Tunisia Present
Uganda Present
Zimbabwe Present
Taiwan Present
Thailand Present
Georgia Present
Afghanistan Present
China Present
India Present
Indonesia Present
Iran Present
Israel Present
Japan Present
South Korea Present
Lebanon Present
Malaysia Present
Nepal Present
Oman Present
Pakistan Present
Saudi Arabia Present
Sri Lanka Present
Syria Present
Central America
Costa Rica Present
Dominican Republic Present
Haiti Present
Jamaica Present
Martinique Present
Puerto Rico Present

Type of Pest

  • Virus or Viroid

Host or Industry at Risk

  • show / hide

Total protected cultivation

Major Hosts

  • Amaranthus L.
  • Amaryllis L.
  • Anagallis arvensis L.
  • Anemone L.
  • Apium graveolens L.
  • Arachis hypogaea L.
  • Arctium L.
  • Aster L.
  • Begonia Hiemalis hybrids
  • Begonia hybrids
  • Bidens pilosa Linnaeus
  • Brassica L.
  • Browallia L.
  • Calceolaria L.
  • Calceolaria-Hybrids
  • Callistephus Cass.
  • Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees
  • Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik.
  • Capsicum annuum L.
  • Chenopodium L.
  • Chrysanthemum L.
  • Cichorium L.
  • Convolvulus L.
  • Convolvulus arvensis Linnaeus
  • Coprosma repens A.Rich.
  • Cucumis melo L.
  • Cucurbita moschata Duch. Ex Poir.
  • Cucurbitaceae (family)
  • Cyclamen persicum Mill.
  • Cynara scolymus L.
  • Dahlia Cav.
  • Delphinium L.
  • Chrysanthemum x morifolium Ramat.
  • Eucharis x grandiflora
  • Fumaria officinalis L.
  • Gerbera L. Ex Cass. Corr. Spreng.
  • Gerbera jamesonii H.Bolus Ex Hook.F.
  • Iberis semperflorens L.
  • Impatiens New Guinea hybrids
  • Lactuca sativa L.
  • Solanum lycopersicum L.
  • Nicotiana tabacum L.
  • Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.
  • Osteospermum ecklonis (Dc.) T.Norl.
  • Oxalis corniculata L.
  • Pelargonium L'Herit. Ex Ait.
  • Pelargonium x hortorum L.H.Bailey
  • Peperomia obtusifolia (L.) A.Dietr.
  • Pericallis x hybrida R.Nordenstam
  • Petunia x hybrida Horti Vilmorin-Andrieux
  • Picris echioides L.
  • Pittosporum tobira (Thunb. Ex Murr.) Ait.
  • Poa supina Schrad.
  • Ranunculus asiaticus L.
  • Senecio vulgaris L.
  • Sinningia speciosa (Lodd.) Hiern
  • Solanum melongena L.
  • Solanum nigrum L.
  • Solanum tuberosum L.
  • Sonchus L.
  • Sonchus oleraceus L.
  • Stellaria media (L.) Vill./Cyr.
  • Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Hemsl.
  • Tagetes patula L.
  • Taraxacum officinale Weber In Wiggers
  • Tulbaghia violacea Harv.
  • Urtica dubia Forssk.
  • Veronica L.
  • Vicia faba L.
  • Zinnia L.
  • Solanaceae (family)
  • Asteraceae (family)
  • Solanum betaceum Cav.

Threats to Protected Cultivation

  • Only protected crops

Forest Tree Pests and Pathogens

Further Information

PRA Availability

PRA not available

Regulation and EPPO listing

  • show / hide

Regulated non quarantine pest, EPPO A2

Actions Indicated

  • show / hide


Statutory action in line with legislation.

General Comments

Virus pest of several vegetable crops as well as ornamentals. Virus and vector are both present in the UK. Regulated on planting material of certain host plants.

Risk Records for this Pest