APHA have identified that there are a number of EPPO codes in IPAFFS that have been replaced or archived by EPPO services. Until these inactive codes are removed or updated in IPAFFS, traders must avoid using them when submitting new applications. Using an inactive EPPO code will cause the CHED PP to remain in the “In Progress” state in IPAFFS, and cannot be cleared in IPAFFS.
What can you do
Please also note that any applications that are currently stuck due to using old EPPO codes will have to be cancelled and a new CHED application raised using new EPPO codes will need to be submitted. This also applies to CSV uploads. CSV files must be updated to exclude inactive EPPO codes and attached to the new CHED. Amending current applications will not work as these will remain ‘In Progress’ state in IPAFFS
A list of affected codes can be found [here].