We would like to notify you of a call for comments on a proposed new requirement on plants for planting.
Please see the letter for further information.
Update (12/09/2024)
Thank you for the comments submitted so far on this stakeholder engagement. We would like to clarify the scope of this provision and its motives.
The purpose of this proposed change is to provide greater biosecurity assurances for wild-grown plants, in addition to plants traded by private exporters, mail order traders and short notice exporters that are not currently conducting inspections.
Many traders may be familiar with these requirements already, given the EU introduced similar measures against all third countries in 2021. There are existing GB requirements for plants for planting from any third country to be grown in nurseries, and additionally from countries outside of the Euro-Mediterranean area, to be inspected prior to export. Organisations, such as botanic gardens, plant breeding companies, collections and research institutes, are encouraged to meet these import requirements to enhance UK biosecurity. However, if they are unable to meet these requirements for scientifically justified reasons, they can apply for scientific authorisations to enable the import and movement of these plants (please see here for more information).