Please follow the below links for advice on exporting plants and plant products to either the EU or the rest of the world (non-EU countries).
BETA Your feedback will help us improve the UK Plant Health Information Portal
Please follow the below links for advice on exporting plants and plant products to either the EU or the rest of the world (non-EU countries).
Export requirements for some plants and plant products have changed since the UK left the EU. The phasing for the new requirements has been delivered and there are no further phases left to be introduced. Please see below for guidance.
ePing is an online service to keep track of new regulations in global export markets, covering food safety, animal and plant health (WTO SPS Agreement), and technical regulations and related procedures (WTO TBT Agreement).
A description of international plant health organisations of relevance for the UK Plant Health regulations.
Countries have the right to create their own rules for importing plants and plant products, according to a risk assessment. These rules, known as phytosanitary import requirements, help prevent the spread of pests and diseases. For example, some countries prohibit certain commodities from being imported to ensure food safety and protect their ecosystems.