The selection process
Once the EOI date passes, there will be a selection process to decide which businesses are included in the Pilot. Defra will select businesses for the Pilot based on the following criteria:
- The eligibility criteria
- Industry representation – GB Governments want to include participants representing a range of businesses across the horticulture and produce industries.
- If not already designated as a Control Point, the business’s position in the Control Point designation process.
Businesses will be notified by email whether they have been successful or not. Please note, there is no guarantee of being accepted on the Pilot. There will be no appeals process for the Pilot. Any complaints can be handled through the existing complaints procedure.
Businesses that are not selected for the Pilot can still apply for Authorised Operator Status, should it proceed to full roll out.
For Control Point applicants that are not selected for the Pilot, plant health checks will take place at your premises by the inspector from the Competent Authority. Inspector cover will be restricted to resource availability and may not match the operating hours of the site.