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BETA Your feedback will help us improve the UK Plant Health Information Portal

Assistance Schemes

Assistance Schemes


The government have put in place a number of temporary operational measures to provide support to individuals and businesses moving goods to NI. 

This includes the Movement Assistance Scheme (MAS), which provides dedicated helpdesk support to those wishing to move plants and plant products (and other agri-food goods) from GB to NI. Additionally, MAS covers the associated plant health inspection and certification costs that would otherwise be incurred by your business prior to leaving GB. 

There are pragmatic arrangements for the movement of plants with growing media attached, as well as used agricultural and forestry machinery, from GB to NI. These temporary operational measures have been introduced to address certain specific practical issues that have emerged, without compromising biosecurity on the island of Ireland, while discussions continue with the EU on appropriate, risk-based arrangements for the long-term. 

Additionally, the Plant Health Export Audited Trader Scheme (PHEATS) is a trade facilitation scheme that benefits those that export cut flowers and fresh produce (excluding ware potatoes) to the EU or move them from GB to NI. PHEATS allows for trade to undertake phytosanitary export inspections and apply for PCs themselves online, in place of APHA inspectors. This enables products to keep moving while they are at their freshest, helping with just in time logistics.  

There is also an arrangement in place allowing authorised traders, such as supermarkets and their trusted suppliers, to move some goods from GB to NI without the need for official certification. 

To move seed from GB to NI please follow this guidance.