ePing is an online service to keep track of new regulations in global export markets, covering food safety, animal and plant health (WTO SPS Agreement), and technical regulations and related procedures (WTO TBT Agreement).
It enables timely access to evolving product requirements and allows time for addressing potential trade problems at an early stage.
Defra monitors these notifications and raises concerns with the stakeholders on the issues of importance to the UK agricultural and horticultural exports, and provides comments to the WTO on the new notifications when it considers necessary.
A monthly update of recent notifications selected by Defra relating to UK exporters of plants and horticultural produce is provided below. Please note that a Google-translated PDF file is included in 'Full text link' column where notification is not provided in English.
WTO ePing Notifications December 2024
Alternatively, you can access and search the notifications by clicking here: Home - ePing SPS&TBT platform (wto.org)