Updated 2nd August 2024
All movements of used agricultural and forestry machinery require either a phytosanitary certificate or NI Plant Health Label (NIPHL).
Traders can move used agricultural and forestry machinery and vehicles to Northern Ireland under the NIPHL scheme, if the goods are intended to stay in Northern Ireland.
Where the machinery or vehicles move to Northern Ireland for onward sale to the Republic of Ireland or other EU countries, full Official Controls Regulations (OCR) apply, and a phytosanitary certificate is required. When the machinery and vehicles remain in Northern Ireland, the Movement Assistance Scheme waives costs associated with phytosanitary certification and NIPHL.
Guidance on exporting used agricultural and forestry machinery to the Republic of Ireland and wider EU can be found here.The NIPHL differs from the phytosanitary certificate in that it is issued and applied by the authorised operator. Rather than applying for a phytosanitary certificate for each consignment, operators can become authorised with their relevant competent authority to issue and attach NIPHLs themselves.
High-level Process Map
To support businesses and their decision-making, please find a link to an end-to-end process map that identifies the necessary steps GB operators are required to complete to move used agricultural and forestry machinery from GB to NI.
Registration and authorisation
All operators intending to move used agricultural and forestry machinery to NI using a NIPHL are required to be both registered and authorised with the relevant competent authority. Operators should only be registered with one competent authority in GB. Which competent authority (APHA/SASA) will depend on the location of your business premises.
If you are based in England or Wales, you must register with the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). If you are based in Scotland, register with Scottish Government by using the contact details below.
If you are already registered as a professional operator, you may need to provide supplementary information including informing the competent authority that you wish to be registered for NIPHL. You are already registered as a professional operator if you:
- are authorised to issue UK plant passports
- are registered on the Seed Potato Classification Scheme (SPCS)
- are a registered seed company
- have previously exported any goods regulated for plant health purposes, including used agricultural and forestry machinery and vehicles
If you have previously moved used agricultural and forestry machinery from Scotland, you will not be registered as a professional operator, and will have to register as a professional operator with Scottish Government to issue and attach a NIPHL. An authorisation number is needed to complete the notification process before the goods arrive in NI.
The registration process is completed once and only needs to be updated if there are changes in circumstances or details.
Unlike registration, authorisation will need to be completed on an annual basis and requires operators to provide more details about their business and the goods they intend to move. This can be completed by operators in England and Wales by filling out the e-form here. Scottish businesses should contact the plant health authority using the contact details provided below.
If you cannot access the e-form to become registered and authorised please use the details provided below to contact the relevant plant health agency or local inspector.
Operators should then complete the online eLearning module NIPHL: Used agricultural and forestry machinery and vehicles. This module is currently being developed and we will inform you when it is ready.
Following the successful application to become authorised and following the completion of the eLearning module, you will be permitted to issue and attach NIPHLs to consignments from GB to NI.
Records of all NIPHLs issued should be kept for a minimum of 3 years.
All machinery is required to be washed down thoroughly and free from any soil and debris.
Authorised operators are responsible for conducting examinations of the goods they intend to move to NI and ensure they meet all pest and disease requirements prescribed for NI.
Format of the NIPHL
The NIPHL is based on the current UK plant passport regime, there is an example for reference below.
UK Flag – the UK flag must be printed in the top left corner of the NIPHL label. It can be in colour or black and white.
NI Plant Health Label heading – The label must clearly state ‘NI Plant Health Label’ to indicate what the label is and ‘for use in the UK only’.
Part A: Make and model of machinery
For agricultural and forestry machinery and vehicles, you must include the make and model of the machinery or vehicle.
Part B: NIPHL registration number
You must include your NIPHL registration number. This number is given to you in your email confirming you have been given authorisation by APHA or Scottish Government.
Part C: Traceability code
You must include a traceability code which links to your records. This can be an existing code used to trace or identify a consignment. For example, it could be an individual serial number.
Part D: QR code - compliance statement
All NIPHLs must give assurance you have met the requirements set out in EU legislation 2023/1231. This is done by printing the QR code and putting it in Part D of your NIPHL. The QR code links to the Windsor Framework requirements. Following confirmation of authorisation, APHA/SASA will provide operators with a copy of the QR code.
If it is not practical to use the QR code for a NIPHL, please contact your relevant competent authority who will provide you with text that can be used instead. This should only be done in exceptional circumstances. The QR code should be used unless there is a good reason not to.
If you must print an NIPHL without a QR code, including when authorised to do so for seed potato NIPHLs, check with your local inspector for details of the statement to include.

Used Farm Machinery Example NI Plant Health Label
Attachment of the NIPHL
- The NIPHL must be attached to the consignment, which can be the ‘smallest tradeable unit’. This could be the box, pallet or trailer the vehicle or machinery is moving on/in.
- The NIPHL can only be issued and attached by an authorised NIPHL operator.
- The label needs to be visible and clearly legible
- The label must be distinguishable from any other information or label which may also be attached to the consignment. The NIPHL must take the form of a distinct label. It should be distinct from any other label or information contained on the consignment.
The NIPHL scheme requires the NI consignee to have filled out a CHED-PP a minimum of 4 hours before the goods arrive in NI. CHED-PPs are Common Health Entry Documents that provide DAERA with the information that allows for checks to occur at point of entry. It is important that the correct information regarding the consignment be provided to the NI consignee/recipient/professional operator by the GB authorised operator. Failure to do so could result in goods being held up or returned to GB.
A pro-forma and guidance on all the information the NI consignee requires from the GB authorised operator can be found on gov.uk. For more information on CHED-PPs please follow this link to the DAERA webpage.
Arrival at point of entry
DAERA will complete documentary checks on all CHEDPPs for NIPHL consignments. The details on the CHEDPP will be cross checked with the NIPHL details attached to the CHEDPP. The GB Authorised Operator details provided on the NIPHL pre-notification form attached to the CHEDPP, including the NI Professional Operator details, will be checked to confirm meeting NIPHL scheme requirements. NIPHL consignments must present for official controls at the SPS inspection facility of first arrival in NI. DAERA will perform ID and physical checks in line with NIPHL scheme rules and legislative requirements.
- On entry into NI professional operators are reminded that these goods must remain in the UK and cannot be moved directly into the RoI.
- Records must be kept for a minimum of 3 years.
England and Wales
Foss House
King’s Pool
1-2 Peasholme Green
York YO1 7PX
Telephone: 0300 1000 313
Email: planthealth.info@apha.gov.uk
Contact by email for:
- General NIPHL enquiries: NIPHLenquiries@gov.scot
- used farm or forestry machinery: php@gov.scot
Northern Ireland
Contact the DAERA Plant Health Inspection Branch:
Plant and tree health department
Telephone: 0300 200 7847
Email: planthealth@daera-ni.gov.uk