The UK Plant Health Risk Register is a major step in implementing the recommendations of the independent Task Force on Tree Health and Plant Biosecurity. It is a tool for government, industry and stakeholders to prioritise action against pests and diseases which threaten our crops, trees, gardens and countryside. The Register is publicly available.
Plant pests not yet on the Risk Register may still be subject to plant health controls. The Plant Health Risk Register does not represent a comprehensive record of all pests of plant health concern, it is an evolving document to which more pests are being added every month.
We have recently screened the following pests through the UK plant health risk register for potentia...
We have recently screened the following pests through the UK plant health risk register for potentia...
We have recently screened the following pest through the UK plant health risk register for potential...
We have recently screened the following pests through the UK plant health risk register for their po...
Two PRAs have recently been finalised, following stakeholder consultation, and are available on the ...
We have recently screened the following pests through the UK plant health risk register for th...
A large number of Tephritidae (fruit fly) species are quarantine pests in the EU, and hence Northern...
A large number of Tephritidae (fruit fly) species are quarantine pests in the EU, and hence Northern...
We have recently added two new pests to the risk register:
Leucaspis pusilla, a scale insect which f...
Following a full Pest Risk Analysis, we have recently reviewed the scores of the following pests:
Pests recently added to the risk register:Heliothis virescens - Tobacco budworm, polyphagous pe...
Pests recently added to the risk register:Chrysobothris mali - Apple tree borer, added followin...
Pests recently updated on the risk register:Archips fuscocupreanus - Apple tortrix moth.Spiroplasma ...
Pests recently added to the risk register:Gnomoniopsis idaeicola - a fungal pathogen which affe...
We have recently added Ips pertubatus to the risk register. This is a North American bark beetle whi...
Pests recently added to the risk register:Cherry green ring mottle virus - Virus which affects a ran...
The risk register has been updated to reflect these changes which came into force for certain pests ...
Pests recently added to the risk register:
Diaporthe amygdali, a pathogen causing canker on peach...
Pests recently added to the risk register:
Xanthomonas hydrangeae, a recently described bacterial...
The UK plant health pest risk register has moved to a new web address. Our new home is within the pl...
Pests recently added to the risk register:Blueberry red ringspot virus - Virus pest of blueberries p...
Pests recently added to or reviewed on the risk registerAdded
Erthesina fullo - Yellow spotted st...
Pests recently added to the risk register:
Creontiades pallidus - A polyphagous bug pest of ...
Pests recently added to the risk register:
Leucaspis pini - a scale affecting pine trees
The risk register entry for Phytophthora pluvialis has been reviewed this month. This is a fungus-li...
Pests recently added to the risk register:Pests of plants mainly grown for fruit in the UK:
We have recently updated the guidance document which accompanies the risk register. The new document...
Pests recently added to or reviewed on the UK Plant Health Risk RegisterRecently added:Agrilus mali ...
Meloidogyne species (root-knot nematodes) recently added to or reviewed on the UK Plant Health Risk ...
Pests recently added to or reviewed on the UK Plant Health Risk RegisterRecently added:Eotetranychus...
Recently added to the UK Plant Health Risk Register:Ostrinia furnacalis – Asian corn borer, mo...
Please be aware that the legislative status of some pests on the Risk Register in Great Britain will...
New to the Risk Register:Leek yellow stripe virus – a pest of leeks and garlicDiaporthe cauliv...
A longer-term project to update the host lists on the Plant Health Risk Register (RR) has been compl...
Pests recently added to the Risk Register:
Petrakia liobae – a fungal pathogen that grows o...
We have recently added a large number of Regulated Non Quarantine Pests (RNQPs) to the Risk Register...
We have recently added a number of pests to the Risk Register. All of these pests were added due to ...
We have recently added a number of pests to the Risk Register. All of these pests were added due to ...
We are in the process of adding extra hosts to many of the pests on the Risk Register, trying to mak...
We have recently reviewed the scores of some pests on the Risk Register.
Neocerambyx raddei, the...
We are in the process of reviewing the scores of all listed (and formerly listed) pests on the UK Pl...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register: Lonsdalea quercina a disease of o...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register:Agrilus granulatus subsp. granulat...
Please be aware that the legislation on Plant Health has changed significantly, as from 14 December ...
New to the Risk Register:Phellinus everhartii - fungal pest of oak species in North America The foll...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register:Spodoptera ornithogalli - a North ...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register:Dendroctonus jeffreyi - a non-Euro...
Added to the Risk Register this month:Southern tomato virus - a seed-transmitted virus of tomatoes w...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register.Pests recently added to the Risk R...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register.Pests recently added to the Risk R...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register.Pests recently added to the Risk R...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register.Tree pests recently added to the R...
Tree pests recently added to the Risk Register:Rusticoclytus rusticus – grey tiger longhorn, a...
Tree pests recently added to the Risk Register:Takahashia japonica - string cottony scale, polyphago...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register:Cathaica fasciola – a polyph...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register:Pests of trees:Hylesinus eos &ndas...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register:Pests of trees:Cronartium comptoni...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register:Eggplant mottled dwarf nucleorhabd...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register:Anthonomus spilotus – pear l...
The following pest has recently been added to the Risk Register:Eurytoma schreineri – plum see...
We have been making some changes to the UK Plant Health Risk Register.Uncertainty. We have started t...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register:Trees and ornamentals:Neodiprion a...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register:Pests of trees and ornamentals:Aca...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register:Pepper vein yellows virus – ...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register:Pests of protected & outdoor c...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register:Anguina pacificae – Pacific ...
The Risk Register entries for six Spodoptera species (noctuid moths) have been reviewed. These revie...
The following insect pests have recently been added to the Risk Register:Moths:Ennomos subsignaria &...
The following pests have been added to the Risk Register recently:Agriphila aeneociliella - eastern ...
The following pests have been added to the Risk Register recently:Diurpahis noxia - Russian wheat ap...
The following pests have been added to the Risk Register recently:
Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi - a ...
The Risk Register entries for the North American vectors of Xylella fastidiosa have been reviewed, t...
The following pests have been added to the Risk Register recently: Texas Phoenix P...
Viroids are virus-like pathogens which can be spread mechanically (e.g. on tools or gloves) by veget...
New pests have been added to the Risk Register: Neofusicoccum luteum, N. parvum an...
The following pests have recently been intercepted at the border or found in the UK for the first ti...
Xylella fastidiosa has different subspecies and strains, which vary in their host range, impacts and...
The following pests have had their entries updated either due to new information, or because of the ...
New pests have been added to the UK Plant Health Risk Register: - Xylotoles griseu...
Several new and updated pest alerts and factsheets are available: Leptinotarsa dec...
The following pests have been added to the Risk Register: Corythucha ciliata &ndas...
The following pests have been added to the Risk Register: Ceratothripoides brunneu...
The following pests have been added to the Risk Register: Prodiplosis longifila &n...
The following pests have recently been added to the Risk Register: Callidiellum ru...
Previously, two North American species of potato flea beetle were thought to have been introduced to...
These are examples of some of the kinds of searches which are possible within the Risk Register and if you have any suggestions
for additional searches please feel free to provide these via the feedback box at the bottom of this page.
The UK Plant Health Information Portal provides information about plant pests and diseases, including risk assessments, links to other sites of interest and information on plant health controls and services provided by government.
Visit the UK Plant Health Information Portal